
2024 Brandon Hendricks Scholarship | OPEN BronxNet OPEN Host Daren Jaime sits down with the Oyate Group’s Program Coordinator, Alexander Reyes, and Project Manager, Lymarie Francisco discussing the Brandon Hendricks Scholarship, and how the organization offers financial scholarships in his name to multiple high school seniors from The Bronx ...

2024-05-17T13:57:29-04:00March 13, 2024|

MUAP – EP 28 w/ Guest Aicha & Alexander Reyes from the Oyate Group

In this week's episode, we speak with Aicha & Alexander Reyes from the Oyate Group out of New York City. Aicha & Alexander were both participants in the Beyond Rising program. Alexander now works for the Oyate Group helping students from the freshman high school level to freshman in college, like Aicha who is dealing with an undocumented status, to find resources, job skills, and opportunities. We hear from Aicha about how the program helped her find a summer job and resources for attending college to be a lawyer. As well as Alexander's experience when he went through the program and how Oyate Group wants to help even more students!

2024-05-17T13:58:21-04:00October 28, 2023|

OPEN Friday | Brandon Hendricks Scholarship On this edition of OPEN Friday, Rhina speaks to program coordinator Alexander Reyes of Oyate Group alongside recent high school graduates Jennifer Agbanyo and Briyant Boakye Frimpong to discuss the Brandon Hendricks scholarship. Click Here To View Original Article.

2024-05-17T13:58:34-04:00September 22, 2023|

Migrant Crisis Targeting The Bronx

Host of OPEN BxRx Tuesday, Kibin Alleyne, is joined by Jason Autar, Chief Operating Officer of Oyate Group, to discuss their efforts to support the influx of migrants that are entering NYC.

2024-05-17T14:01:15-04:00November 1, 2022|

Armas Por Juguetes

El Grupo Oyate y su programa 'A Mother'5 Promi5e' organizaron un programa de recompra de armas el sábado en Washington Heights con la ayuda del Senador del Estado de Nueva York, Robert Jackson, la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Manhattan y el Departamento de Policía de Nueva York.

2023-06-01T15:15:19-04:00March 6, 2022|

OPEN BxRx Tuesday| Omicron Spikes in the Bronx, City-wide

Host of OPEN BxRx Tuesday, Kibin Alleyne, is joined by Cyrille Njikeng, Managing Director of Oyate Group, to discuss how NYC is battling the worst wave of COVID the city has seen in months and why is the Bronx continuing to see high numbers.

2023-06-01T15:50:39-04:00January 18, 2022|

Bronx Health Today

This week's BronxTalk features a discussion on Bronx health, COVID infections, vaccination rates, and the importance of training doctors of color to increase patient comfort with expert medical advice.

2023-06-01T15:58:59-04:00November 1, 2021|
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